Sorting Algorithms

A Sorting Algorithm is used to rearrange a given array or list of elements according to a comparison operator on the elements. The comparison operator is used to decide the new order of elements in the respective data structure.

the sorting algorithms we talked about in the beginning where base on comparison now we want to see if we can sort an array without comparing the elements an if it is even possible to sort without comparison?. YES it is possible lets see an example: assume we have an array where the value in each cell is an integer let say the numbers are (1,4,2,5) now we create another array of size 5 and read every element from the initial array and write them in the cell where the index is equal to the value of the cell in the original array. as you can see with have sorted the array with zero comparison.

Stable or Unstable algorithms

A sorting algorithm is said to be stable if two objects with equal keys appear in the same order in sorted output as they appear in the input data set

Table of Complexity Comparison:
Name Best Case Average Case Worst Case Memory Stable Method Used
Quick Sort No Partitioning
Merge Sort n Yes Merging
Heap Sort 1 No Selection
Insertion Sort n 1 Yes Insertion
Tim Sort n n Yes Insertion & Merging
Selection Sort 1 No Selection
Shell Sort 1 No Insertion
Bubble Sort n 1 Yes Exchanging
Tree Sort n Yes Insertion
Cycle Sort 1 No Selection
Strand Sort n n Yes Selection
Cocktail Shaker Sort n 1 Yes Exchanging
Comb Sort 1 No Exchanging
Gnome Sort n 1 Yes Exchanging
Odd–even Sort n 1 Yes Exchanging