Inline keyword

In C++, the inline keyword is used to suggest that a function be inlined, which means that the function's code is inserted directly into the calling code rather than being called as a separate function. This can improve performance by reducing the overhead of function calls.

When a function is declared with the inline keyword, the compiler may choose to inline the function's code, but it is not required to do so. The decision to inline a function is ultimately up to the compiler, which will take into account factors such as the size of the function, how often it is called, and the available optimization options.

Here's an example of using the inline keyword:

inline int add(int x, int y) {
  return x + y;

int result = add(5, 10);

In this example, add() is declared as an inline function that adds two integers and returns the result. The function is called with the arguments 5 and 10, and the result is stored in the result variable. If the compiler chooses to inline the function, the resulting code will be equivalent to:

int result = 5 + 10;

Note that the inline keyword is only a suggestion to the compiler. In some cases, the compiler may choose not to inline the function, even if it is declared as inline. Additionally, inlining a function can increase the size of the resulting code, so it is not always the best option for improving performance.

Overall, the inline keyword is a useful tool for improving performance by suggesting that a function be inlined, but its effectiveness depends on the compiler and the specifics of the code being compiled.